Formative Assessment Design 1.0

I’ve created a formative assessment to use in my 8th Grade Social Studies classroom using Google Forms. Before you view the assessment, let me explain my purpose and the instructions students will receive to complete this assessment.


I’ve noticed that students this school year have entered my class with more knowledge on some of my curriculum, specifically that of the American Revolution. The purpose of this assessment is for me to understand what my students know about my content at the beginning of the year. I plan to use the data to re-design my goals and lessons to better accommodate the needs of my students. For example, if students once again have a solid understanding of the American Revolution, the amount of time I spend on it will be reduced to allow extended time on new topics.

This assessment contains several “big picture” topics based on the 8th Grade Social Studies standards for the State of Michigan. These standards start on page 76 of this document.

Student Instructions

This pre-assessment has been designed to help me be a better teacher for you. It is not used as a grade, but simply as a tool for me to understand what you know regarding 8th Grade Social Studies at the start of the school year. Please complete this assessment to the best of your abilities.

You will complete this assessment on your Chromebook using Google Forms. When you have finished, please click “submit” at the bottom of the page.

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